Jul 31, 20245 min read
How Screen Use Affects a Child's Brain Development from 0-6 years
Here are some frequently asked questions about screen use in early childhood.
Jul 26, 20244 min read
What are some screen time alternatives?
Giving a child a screen to relieve boredom is EASIER, but with some planning you can be ready with alternatives that build powerful brains.
Jul 26, 20243 min read
How To Diffuse a Temper Tantrum
All children have tantrums because they don’t yet have the skills to control their feelings. Here are tips on PREVENTION and DIFFUSION.
Jul 26, 20246 min read
The Parent-Child Relationship & Your Child's Brain Development from 0-6 Years Old
Research suggests that the parent-child relationship is the key to powerful brains. Why is this?
Jul 26, 20245 min read
Why is Waiting Difficult for Children?
Understanding why waiting is a particularly challenging task for children makes a huge difference in parenting practices.