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Did you know

Did You Know?

Birth to age 6 is known as the window of opportunity. This means this time period is the most critical to develop brain connections that impact lifelong learning and success. 
There's no time to waste, 90% of a child's brain develops in these early years.

Kids Racing

While We're Growing

     This website is to educate parents about a young child's neurological capacities and provide training and tools to help create the optimal environment for brain development and strengthened relationships. In addition, I've created an app to assist parents in using ANY waiting situation as an OPPORTUNITY to build executive function and form strong bonds. This app provides over 100 activities that are research based to build cognitive capacities and provide SCREEN FREE alternatives due to the negative impact screen use can have in the early years. 

     As an early childhood professional I am passionate about helping parents understand children and how crucial this window of opportunity is for positive growth and development. This timeframe significantly impacts their trajectory in life. Click the lightbulbs below to explore more about these subjects!

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Impact of Screen Use on Executive Function

Parents often use screens to occupy children during waiting situations, to relieve boredom or pass the time. However, there is substantial research suggesting parents

should use


in this parenting practice as it can negatively impact cognitive function and development in young children.

The App

The While We’re Waiting app gives parents an easy to use tool while waiting that's always accessible, providing over 100 screen free activities to do with your child that provide executive function development opportunities and family bonding.

Use of the app has a big impact for increasing positivity in the family and can be incorporated into daily intentional parenting practices that can contribute to children of the 21st century having improved attention spans and problem-solving skills that will benefit them throughout their lifetime.

Alternative to Screen Use-Make WAITING an OPPORTUNITY 

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Try the App!

A parenting practice that builds executive function is using this app in any waiting situation. Click the logo to the right to find the FAQ about why you need the app!

If screen use isn’t good for my child, why should I get an app?


It would seem getting an app that must be used on a screen is the exact opposite of a screen free

alternative. However, the app is a tool, always in your hand, that contains the activity ideas, instructions,

age ranges and mental and physical benefits to the activities.


The app allows you to choose the waiting situation you are in, THEN gives the activity choices specifically

for that situation, THEN after the activity is chosen, and instructions are read, the screen is NO LONGER



ALL THE ACTIVITES ARE SCREEN FREE AND REQUIRE NO PROPS (except for a few where props would be readily accessible in a purse, pocket or in the setting- such as a restaurant).


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