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A child's management system of the brain

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What is Executive Function?

Executive Function refers to the management system of the brain. It is the mental skills and processes that enable us to:​​

  • display self-control

  • focus attention

  • adapt to new and unexpected situations 

  • remember instructions 

  • control impulses 

  • regulate emotions 

  • set and achieve goals 

  • problem solve 

  • plan and organize

These duties are carried out or, as the name denotes, are executed by the prefrontal cortex of the brain. Through Executive Function processes, the brain intercepts a barrage of thoughts and impulses and steers them toward safe and productive outcomes. These mental skills are the basis for higher order cognitive functions and are essential to controlling emotion and behavior.


 We use these skills constantly as we learn, work and manage daily life.

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Why does it matter?

The competent executive functioning of children and adolescents enables them to plan and act in a way that makes them GOOD STUDENTS, CLASSROOM CITIZENS, AND FRIENDS.


This allows them to grow into CAPABLE ADULTS who can manage multiple commitments, problem solve, and have increased capacities that benefit society as a whole.  

The first years of life are a window of great opportunity and vulnerability for the development of Executive Function. Studies show that executive functions begin to develop shortly after birth, with the most favorable time for growth in these mental skills during ages 3-5. By age 7, some of the aptitude and brain circuits critical for Executive Function abilities are similar to those existing in adults.


When children have the mental capacity to manage their impulses, their capacity to make choices and understand consequences increases, as well as their ability to connect with people and their environment.


In situations where an attentional demanding task must be performed, self-regulation and executive function share effort as a resource for doing so.


Because this window of opportunity for influencing this development is relatively short, it is crucial that parents understand the impact their parenting practices have on these lifelong mental capacities nurtured in this timeframe.

Reading Together
Baking Cookings

How do parenting practices impact executive function?

Positive and emotionally supportive parenting has been found to improve a child's executive function development. However, parents are not always familiar with a young child's neurological capacities and often lack the training and tools necessary to enhance executive function development.


This can lead to negative interactions during stressful times and these negatively influence executive function development. Studies show that negative emotions have the potential to disorganize attentional processes. This is because attentional processes are developed as children practice using cognitive skills with support and understanding.


Parents who patiently guide children through experiences beyond their physical capabilities, help them acquire tools needed to gain power and control over their bodies and mind. 

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Why is waiting difficult for children?

Understanding why WAITING is a particularly challenging task for children makes a huge difference in parenting practices.


A child’s underdeveloped attentional network in the brain is responsible for their INABILITY to wait longer than a few minutes.  When parents understand that negative behavior is directly related to development, there can be an increase of patience and nurturing as they provide support to the child during these situations, thus fostering growth of executive function skills and lifelong coping strategies.

Developmentally Appropriate Expectations

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A blue illustrated clock with hands pointing to about 12:10

2 - 3

per year of age

Ex: 4 years old = 8-12 min.

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Family at a Beach

What's the impact of screen use on executive function?

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Parents often use screens to occupy children during waiting situations, to relieve boredom or pass the time. However, there is substantial research suggesting parents should use EXTREME CAUTION in this parenting practice as it can negatively impact cognitive function and development in young children.


Learn more about the impact of screen use in early childhood.

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While We're Growing Logo, an illustrated clock with three children inside the clock face
illustrated light bursts made of lines as if light is shining
Get the app!

The While We're Waiting app is backed by scientific research and provides 100+ activities that are research based to build cognitive capacities and provide screen free alternatives while waiting with children.

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a phone with a view of the While We're Waiting app. Text says "Select a Location to See Activity Ideas"

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© While We're Waiting LLC 2024

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